Number detection
Test numbers
- 01234567890
- 01234567890
- A 01234567890
- (01234) 567890
- +44 (0)1234 567890
- +44(01234) 567890
- 01234567890 ext 201
- 0123/4567890
- 0123 / 34356547
- 0 3254 / 35 43653
- 0 23 44 / 11 2-0
- 0 23 44 / 11 2-3 33
- +31-(0)555 – 666777
- 123 456789
Click to fill the span on the left
- 2345678901
- [234]5678901
- (234)5678901
- 1-234-567-8901
Don’t detect
- There are 4 hidden inputs here.
- $1222
- $1222333
- $1,222,333
- £1212.10
- £1,222,333.10
- €1222,10
- €1222333,10
- €1.222.333,10
- 1234.10
- 01/23/45
- 01/23/1945
- 1/2/34
- 457-55-5462 (social security)
- A123456
- A01234567890
Text Box:
Phone Number:
Text boxes in adjacent table columns
Text boxes directly next to each other (no table)